
Gym access control system

The only 24/7 gym access system giving complete control over the gym! 

Save your time and the front desk team! Keep your gym doors more manageable with a 24/7 gym access control system. Simplify the door entry with the built-in bluetooth and NFC scanner. Level up your members’ experience of getting into the gym with a smart system.

What is a gym access control system?

It is a system installed at the gym gates to ensure the smooth entry of authorized members only. It tracks membership status and ensures the members are using the facility according to their membership level. Additionally, it controls unauthorized users’ access to the gym premises, which improves the safety of the gym. 

Providing secure access around the clock

Ensure your security with a gym door access system. Manage access to your gym, specific facilities, and health club for ongoing gym members. Foster a safe and friendly environment for your members and allow them to enjoy the facilities to the fullest.

Smart system

Smart enough to provide real-time valuable insights through the database and track the traffic patterns. Records the membership status & attendance, making the administrative work easier for you and your staff.

Seamlessly integrated

Integrates with other security systems to upgrade the overall gym security. The gym software with door access simplifies membership management, attendance, and activity tracking from one single dashboard.


Track members and staff without the need for front-desk supervision. Ensure maximized security in your premises, easily manage and collect recurring payments based on the package and services.

Wellyx gym door access system

Bring mobility through mobile!

No more stolen or lost keys! Free yourself from the hassle of getting members into the gym. Take your personal time off while giving your members the access key right on their mobile phones! Maintain a work-life balance with gym access control software that stays functional even when you are not in town.

  • Enables members to check in and out easily
  • Hassle-free entry
  • Unlock the door through mobile phones
  • Manage access through mobile

Let members and staff access via their mobile device

Make it easier for your staff and authorized members to enter the gym with a contactless door access system. Use our RFID and bluetooth to let them in using their mobile devices! Bring in the two-way ease!

Gym entry system with multi-location management

Fully integrated into your database

Integrate the access control system with your gym database to automate operation. Witness the wonders it does to make gym management easier. Updating membership status to recording gym visits saves you time and energy.

  • Expired memberships are quickly updated 
  • Deny gym access to the unpaid paid members
  • Counts the gym visits against memberships
  • Automates the check-ins for sessions upon entry
  • Shows proper patterns of gym visits 

Stay on top of everything!

With the gym access control system, keep things in control while fostering a safe and secure environment in your gym.

Save staffing cost

No more extra staff is needed for the front desk. Automate the entry system with gym access control!

Increase productivity

Make administration easier and save time by regulating trivial yet time-consuming tasks!

Less hardware usage

Spend a minimal cost on hardware and operate easily using the software modules that will make everyday tasks entirely hassle-free!

Increase revenue

Allow your members to bring family and friends at off-peak hours. Offer benefits while increasing the revenue!

Improve gym security

Keep the gym safe from free cheapskates and tailgaters. Know who comes in, when, and how!

One-time payment

No hidden charges! Invest once for the hardware installation and never again!

Pattern and Trends

Never miss anything, even when you are not in the gym! Know when and how members use your gym facility! Get real-time reports about the members and identify your areas of improvement and growth patterns. Keep your gym business growing with useful insights from the gym access control system!

Benefits of a gym access control system

Keep your gym facility safe from unauthorized users and unexpected property damage. With the integrated gym door entry systems, remotely oversee membership activities whether you are in the gym or not. Get more bang for the buck with gym access control software! 

  • Smart gym keyless entry system, better security!
  • Improved member experience 
  • Convenient for gym staff and members
  • Better control over the gym facility
  • Real-time insights and reports
  • Seamless integration with gym software
  • Multi-location security system
Multi-location gym door entry system
key fob systems for gyms to QR scanners

Multifarious methods for 24/7 gym access

No more worrying about lost keys! Use multiple methods to access the gym. From the most advanced to the most common methods, leverage key fob systems for gyms to QR scanners and Bluetooth check-in systems to ensure safety. Make your gym a safe place for your members!

  • Key card systems
  • Key fob system
  • Mobile app with QR scanner
  • Mobile NFC 
  • Bluetooth access

Gym keyfob system

Rely on the traditional key system no more! Upgrade the member experience with an advanced gym keyfob system. Leverage the contactless entry system to let members get into the premises through doors and turnstiles. Improve the security system through the unique RFID tags given to each member.

  • Allow authorized members to access the gym through keyfob
  • Manage multi-location needs 
  • Reduce the unauthorized members’ access 
  • Leverage NFC and Bluetooth systems for contactless entry
Wellyx 24/7 gym access control with key fob system

Speed up your workflow and grow high in revenue

Mobile App

Access Control

Point of Sale

Online Bookings

Loyalty Program

Inventory Tracking

Access Control

Mobile App

Video on Demand

Digital Forms


Facility Rental

Waiting List

Inventory Tracking


Gift Cards

Lead Management

Promo Codes

Memberships & Packages

Access Control

Inventory Tracking

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Hundreds of gyms use multiple types of access control systems to ensure security. However, the most common types are key fobs, biometrics, barcode scanners, and key card entry systems for gyms. These operate on a wireless device’s RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, offering a contactless experience.

The more advanced the gym access control system is, the better the security is! Considering the gym space, budget, and number of members, keyfobs and barcode scanners are some of the most advanced gym keyless entry systems. Additionally, keyfobs are low in cost and provide a contactless experience. Similarly,  Fear lost keys no more with barcode scanners, as the members can enter the premises scanning through their mobiles.

Absolutely YES! You can completely control who enters the gym and when, whether they are staff members or gym members, using Wellyx’s advanced access control system. This makes it much easier for gym owners to ensure only authorized entries to specific areas. On top of that, gym owners can give their staff role-based access to different gym facilities.

Considering the functionality, price, and benefits, Wellyx gives you the most advanced gym access control system. It allows you to keep things in control, even when you are not in the gym. Additionally, it is highly affordable compared to other gym access control systems. Wellyx has a fixed price for the access control system with no hidden or surprise charges. Wellyx provides the most economical and reliable gym door access system in this way.

Do you have any questions?

Our support system is round-the-clock! Our 24/7 team is ready to assist, ensuring your questions are answered promptly for seamless customer satisfaction.